Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Smoothie, best ever

The smoothie, with blackberries included, was awesome.

Today's smoothie:
frozen peaches (local, I froze them)
frozen bananas (not local)
frozen blackberries (picked nearby)
frozen raspberries (from my parent's garden, in wv)
an apple, peeled and cut into chunks (local, from my fruit share)
grape juice (my dad canned, from his grapes)

I put all the frozen stuff in the blender and let it sit for a half hour or so while I drink my coffee, then pour juice over it, and put the apple in just before blending (so it doesn't brown). Then, blend away. My blender is pretty good with the frozen stuff - there is a "crush ice" mode which I start with.

The result - an amazing, cool, thick delicious blend of fruity goodness. I think this morning's smoothie was the best ever! (Although I often say that.)

I often put some yogurt in smoothies, which is good, but lately I've been experimenting with the fruit only smoothie. Spinach is also great. If you have never put spinach in your smoothie, you must try it before you judge. Really.

A word on juice - I like putting some sort of liquid in the smoothie. It actually seems to need some to blend properly. I use a variety of fruit juices. My dad's grape juice is delicious and I use it when I have it, even though it does have some sugar in it, I believe, and I'd rather not put any sugar in the smoothie (it doesn't need it!). I sometimes use some enticing looking fruit juice from the store (pomegranite/blueberry for example) but if I buy juice I make sure it is 100% juice with no added sugars or corn syrup. The other day I used watermelon juice from a melon I had- mmm! Don't think the liquid has to be sweet, necessarily. I haven't done so yet, but will use whey sometime when I have some.

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